Psychiatric Medicine Associates Psychiatric Medicine Associates
A Word From Our Doctors


Ashley Bouzis

Black Lives Matter

by: Ashley Bouzis | Jun 05, 2020

We at Psychiatric Medicine Associates share in the collective grief and anger over the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Aubery, Manuel Ellis and so many other members of the Black community who have lost their lives to senseless violence fueled by racism. In these moments, the conversations may be difficult, but silence is not an option. It may be difficult to know what to do, but action is imperative... Read More

Ashley Bouzis

Geriatric Psychiatry

by: Ashley Bouzis | Feb 06, 2018

As we age, our general and mental health needs evolve to require more complex care. Individuals over the age of 60 are more likely to have chronic medical illnesses and be on multiple medications for things such as high blood pressure, diabetes, urinary problems and pain management... Read More

Ashley Bouzis

CBT for Insomnia

by: Ashley Bouzis | Jun 06, 2016

Insomnia is estimated to effect 6-10% of the adult population and can have a significant impact on your quality of life, long-term health outcomes, work performance and mood. While most individuals will be impacted by insomnia at some point in their lives, people who develop severe or chronic insomnia are often left feeling as though there is no solution to the problem despite trying their hardest to adhere to good sleep practices... Read More

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From Our Doctors

"We wanted to provide a new level of psychiatric care which was evidence-based and incorporated the latest research. It's been almost 5 years since..." Read More

- Mick Oreskovich, M.D., Seattle, WA

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We at Psychiatric Medicine Associates share in the collective grief and anger over the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Aubery, Manuel Ellis and so many other members of the Black community who have lost their lives to senseless...

Black Lives Matter

by: Ashley Bouzis | Jun. 05, 2020

We at Psychiatric Medicine Associates share in the collective grief and anger over the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Aubery, Manuel Ellis and so many other members of the Black community who have lost their lives to senseless...

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Genetic Testing

by: Peter Roy-Byrne | Jan. 23, 2019

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